To My Father on Veteran’s Day

gae polisner
3 min readNov 11, 2021

Honor, remembrance, and how time flies

(This post was originally written in 2012. My sons are now 26 and 23. And my dad and me. . . Well we don’t want to talk about that. )

Yesterday —

two weeks after Hurricane Sandy ravaged our island,

raged through here flooding, destroying, and

changing the landscape of the northeast forever

(not to mention knocking out our power for 11 cold and difficult days)

— I spent a “normal” day in the city with my parents, my sister and her girlfriend (who is like a sister to me now).

It was an invigorating, special, throwback day to my childhood/teens/twenties.

Two plays (one really stellar one)and a delicious dinner, all the treat of my parents.

The occasion, my sister’s 50th birthday.

Me, photo right. Photo, author’s own. The last time she was taller than I…

I can read that over and over again, but still, it remains unfathomable.

My sister is 50, and soon, I will follow.

Beyond that, my older son is 17, and next year at this time, he will be long gone to college.



gae polisner
gae polisner

Written by gae polisner

Just another writer trying to stay afloat in a sea of words. Author of several novels. Wannabe mermaid. Mother. Trying to age gracefully with no grace in sight.

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